Friday, April 7, 2017

Hearing the Father's Heart

I am sitting in the Social Security office waiting for my number to be called, thinking about all the errands I need to run.


Winter is hanging on and there is much snow still on the ground. Everyone you talk to is waiting for spring. Some patiently, some not so much.


I have been waiting since October for my shoulder to heal. I've gone the route of OT, PT, acupuncture, orthopedic doc and massage therapist. Just when I think I have a breakthrough, a setback plagues me with discouragement.


I turn to the Psalms where my eyes fall on many verses such as "all that I am waits patiently upon the Lord. "

All that I am waits patiently.

Is that true of me?

Would discouragement assault me if my thoughts were waiting patiently?

Would doubt drag my emotions down if I were waiting patiently?

Lord, you know all that I am desires to wait upon you but I'm tired today. I have much to do and forty-five minutes have passed waiting in this room with a dozen people.

Six months of waiting in the wilderness.

I look up at the clock. Should I leave and try another day?

Stay, daughter. Stay in My waiting room a little longer.

Shortly after I heard his quiet whisper, my number was called. The person before me got tired of waiting and left. They were almost there.

Am I almost there?

My reading this morning took me to Luke 12.

Seek first the kingdom of God, and all these things will be added to you.

It makes your Father happy to give you the Kingdom.

What does seeking the kingdom look like?

One of my favorite books comes to mind. I pull it off the shelf.

"The Kingdom of God exists right here in the moments where we live." Simply Tuesday

I am reminded to live while I'm waiting. 

To breathe, to pray, to listen, to notice.

I look up from my book. Terry is walking across the yard from the shop.

Here is the Kingdom, child. Pray for him.

I pray as I walk to greet him at the door.

Jesus is in the details, the "ordinary daily" as Emily Freeman puts it.

The rush of life dulls our senses to the Kingdom.

My to-do list and daily pain often overshadow the Father's heart for me. 

I hear whispers in this waiting season.

I will wait a little longer.

While I wait I listen. I pray to notice.

Perhaps Spring is right around the corner.

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