Sunday, August 16, 2015

Steamy Sunday Afternoon

Can you believe we are in the middle of August? Here in northern Maine the kids return to school this week, which is a signal that summer is coming to a close. 

I enjoyed my summer - time with family, working in my flowers, a small Bible study with 2 friends, camper time with hubby, wearing skirts every day, and being outdoors a lot!

This month we finished our study on Jennie Allen's "Anything." I highly recommend it. I also worked through Angie Smith's study "Seamless" on my own. I could do this one several times for it is packed full of nuggets from scripture.

For fun, I am participating in Sparkles over at Jamie Ridler's studio. I took the above photo for one of the assignments. Another of my favorite 5- minute Sparkles was writing a poem called a cinquain. 

whimsical, comical
loving, fluttering, enchanting
rainbows swirl about her

One of the collage assignments.

Its 90 degrees outside today and forecasted the same for tomorrow. Perhaps summer is departing with  flair. 
My thoughts are turning to projects I planned to complete before the seasons change. A couple of outdoor painting projects, restoring a hope chest I purchased for a steal at a yard sale, and my neglected writing course are among them.

For now a good book is calling to me on this steamy Sunday. Thanks for dropping by. 

1 comment:

  1. It's nice to catch up with you, Paula. The poem is lovely, and that Lily is as adorable as ever.


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