Monday, September 15, 2014

A Shift in Perspective

There are days that require a fresh perspective. It can be as simple as sitting in a different chair in your living room, watching the light stream in the window resting on a bookshelf or a pillow. Perhaps a friend shares her point of view which gives you fresh insight that you wouldn't have otherwise. Listening to the simplicity of a child's voice of wonder can change your day. Of course you have to slow down a little to see or hear any of these things.

God is rarely, if ever in a hurry. Why is it that we think his people must be?

Un- rush me, Lord. I've been praying this prayer for a few weeks now ever since I read an online devotional from Lysa Terkeurst's new book, The Best Yes.

Be careful what you pray for.

Last week, Hubby and I went to the city for a few days. I had a doctor's appointment and then we were going to stay at the camper and visit with our girls. That was the plan. Then I came down with the flu. The timing was perfect, if it can ever be to have the flu, because the doc gave me anti-nausea meds. Those helped immensely. What would have been days in bed for me turned into one day in bed and two resting. Now I don't believe that God gives us the flu, but He is amazingly adept at weaving the bad things that happen to us into his plan.

I had just finished reading via Kindle, Michele Perry's book, "An Invitation to a Supernatural Life." I loved it so much that I bought the actual book. When I came into forced rest, I read her other book, "Love Has a Face." From there I dove into Heidi Baker's book, "Birthing the Miraculous."

Maybe you are thinking that these titles sound hyper-exciting and inspirational but you would be wrong. I found something stirring deep within me as I read about Michele wading in mud with her crutch and one leg, wrapping her arms around children in the Sudan lost and abandoned and much in need of love. Yes, she saw miracles. They were birthed in the midst of pain and suffering and immense love of the Father. By the time I got to Heidi's book, I realized that these women were living in a realm of Christianity that I can barely comprehend.

My perspective shifted.

Follow after joy. These are words that I have penned in my journal of late. Joy is not always found where you would expect. Heidi finds joy in Mozambique as she brings Jesus to person after person and sees their lives transformed. She finds joy in the midst of poverty, sacrifice, loss and the miraculous.
I am sensing a shifting of perspective these days. Jesus is challenging me to pay attention, celebrate life, and listen to love. This Kingdom life never grows old or dull and boring.

1 comment:

  1. Your little one is beautiful and precious….I am so glad she is doing so well….I certainly agree with your post today……both the slowing down to see around us and that some live such an incredible closeness to the Father in their suffering that it's hard to comprehend. Thanks for the reading suggestions; I am going to check them out….I am still "pondering" on our email conversation…I think you shared good advice….but I am finding it hard to say goodbye to my blog… know they become friends…..


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