Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Whispers of Rest

"Only one thing is needed.
You don't need to be or do better-
just loved better."
Whispers of Rest
Bonnie Gray

If you visit here often, you've heard me mention my "wilderness whispers" in sporadic posts over the winter. Although sunshine struggles to emerge here in northern Maine, the black flies announce Spring's presence. My soul wrestles on the fringes of the desert in the wilderness. 

When I received Bonnie Gray's new book in the mail, something stirred in my spirit. As a part of the launch team, I had been reading a few chapters electronically, but when I held her book in my hands and read the printed words,  I began to hear whispers of hope.

Each morning, I settle into my green chair with a cup of tea, journal, Bible and her book. This morning was no exception. I'd read it before but today God spoke the words to me.

"You don't need to be or do better - just loved better."

"Is this true, Lord?" my weary soul questioned.

The wilderness season brings temptation to try harder, do better, make changes. Anything to get out of the desert.

If I could just eat better, perhaps I would be healthy?
 Never mind I've tried a million ways to eat healthier.

If I could just be a better wife?
 I pray my way through lonely days as plans are disappointed and Hubby works tirelessly, but there are times I struggle with my attitudes.

If I could just have been braver when I was younger, kinder, more adventurous? Perhaps my days would be fuller now.

If i could just?

If I could?

If I?


But to be loved better?

I am learning to rest in God's love.
I am learning to trust His love for me, to believe He knows how I struggle with my health daily, sees the unmet desires of my soul, feels my loneliness in this desert place. 

If I could just be-loved.


My word today is BELOVED.

Each day in "Whispers of Rest," Bonnie Gray gives you a word. Or you can be quiet, listen and God will breathe his own word over you through His Word. 

You don't have to sit still all day. You can take a walk, snap a photo, or put pen to journal. Bonnie's words serve as a guide along the journey.

Today is release day for Whispers of Rest. Go to www.whispersofrest.com or Amazon.com or Barnes and Noble.

Whether you are fighting black flies and dreary days or enjoying a sunny beach, Whispers of Rest is a beautiful 40 day take-along read. 
God bless you as you begin this next season of your journey.

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